KEYNOTES, LECTureS, & Hands On WorkshopS
*All Artonaut presentations can be adapted to meet your needs and can be presented as a keynote, lecture or hands-on workshop.
Rigor in the art room!This hands-on, interactive professional development workshop will walk art educators through using a 10-day curriculum creating a middle school art project. Artonauts' lessons scaffold to build skills throughout the unit, integrating theme, vocabulary, skills practice, project refinement and self-reflection based on rubrics.
STEAMScience, Technology, Engineering, ART, & Math is the new acronym taking the education world by storm. Integrating these fields seamlessly is something art educators have been doing for years. Let us show you how you, or the art educators you work with, are already integrating science, technology, engineering and math into their art curriculum, and learn how you can start implementing these ideas with more intentional focus to make an impact!
INSPIRATION Vs. IMITATION"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
But when does imitation start negatively impacting teaching creativity and independent thought? Learn how to use master works and art history to inspire your students to take what they've learned and apply it into higher level skills and their own independent work.